David McKenna, MD
Maternal and Fetal MedicineArticles

Ready For Multiples? Consider the Risks
With the promise of infertility treatments comes the increased chance of multiple births and the risks they pose

Pining For Pregnancy? Drop Some Extra Pounds First
Being overweight can put you and your baby at risk.

Speak Up To Reduce Childbirth Complications For Black Women
Being black and pregnant raises the risk of maternal death significantly.

Genetic Carrier Testing: 11 Questions if a Baby’s in Your Future
Is your baby at risk for a genetic disorder?

Will Your Pregnancy Be High-Risk? Plan Ahead
How to start now to reduce your chance of a high-risk pregnancy

Preterm Labor and Premature Birth: Am I at Risk?
Know the signs to protect your baby — and yourself.

Zika Virus & Pregnancy: What You Need to Know
Learn how to protect yourself and your baby from this new concern.

The Risks of Diabetes That Starts During Pregnancy
Gestational diabetes, when not controlled, can have a lasting impact on mother’s and baby’s health.

10 Weird and Wacky Things That Happen to Your Pregnant Body
Exactly what is that baby doing to your body? Learn how pregnancy changes your body and what steps you can take to feel better.

How common is obesity?
Dr. McKenna discusses the prevalence of obesity.

Is it safe to conceive after bariatric surgery?
Dr. McKenna discusses how bariatric surgery can lead to a healthy pregnancy and baby.

Is it safe to lose weight while pregnant?
Dr. McKenna discusses why weight loss during pregnancy is not recommended.

Is there a special diet that an obese mother should follow?
Dr. McKenna discusses nutrition during pregnancy for women who are obese.

What are the risks to the baby after an obese pregnancy?
Dr. David McKenna talks more about obesity and pregnancy.

What factors contribute to the development of a multiple gestation pregnancy?
Dr. David McKenna explains how multiple gestational pregnancies develop and who is most likely to become pregnant with multiple babies.

How and when are mulitple gestation pregnancies diagnosed?
Dr. David McKenna explains how multiple gestation pregnancies are diagnosed.

How common are birth defects in a multiple gestation pregnancy?
Dr. David McKenna explains the birth defects that are possible in a multiple gestation pregnancy.

Should a woman expecting multiples gain extra weight?
Dr. David McKenna talks about weight gain during multiple gestation pregnancy.