Barrett’s Esophagus: What You Need to Know
GERD is a leading cause of this condition, which can raise the risk of cancer.

Your Digestive System, From Top To Bottom
Everything you need to know about how your stomach, intestines and other organs turn food into power for your body.

Hemorrhoids: A Guide To Putting the Discomfort Behind You
When home treatments don’t work, see your doctor.

5 Signs That You Might Need Gallbladder Surgery
Is that stomach pain just indigestion — or a sign of something more serious?

‘Comfort Food’: Dietary Changes Can Ease Ulcerative Colitis
Work with your health care provider to find the foods that work best for you.

Surprising News About Your Appendix — And Appendicitis
Considered useless no more, your appendix may protect your immune system.

Bathroom Reading: What You Can Learn from Your Poop
Get the scoop on what poop color, frequency, shape, and consistency can tell you.

Straight Talk About Diarrhea
Diarrhea is a common issue, but not one we enjoy talking about. Learn what causes it, what to do about it, and most important, how to know if it’s serious.

Short Bowel Syndrome Shortchanges Nutrition
Your small intestine doesn’t adequately absorb nutrients from the food you eat.

The Gastroparesis-Diabetes Connection
Problems occur when food is digested too slowly.

Fermented Foods: Healthy? Or Not?
Do I need more bacteria in my gut?