How To Battle Sitting, the New Smoking

Don’t let a desk job stop you from getting active to stay strong and de-stress.

Coping with Depression and Chronic Illness

Break free from depression, even if you’re dealing with chronic illness.

What’s Causing This Pain in My Head?

Too much of some things in your life — or too little of others — may be to blame.

Surviving Bed Rest Without Losing Your Sanity

Find out how to survive — and thrive — while on bed rest.

Pillow Talk: Be Open About Bladder Issues

Open communication relieves stress and restores confidence.

Cancer facts versus myths opposing directional arrows

Busting 9 Myths About Lung Cancer

Let’s clear the air about what’s true — and what’s not — about lung cancer.

Should I Worry About a TIA?

Don’t second-guess yourself if you experience any of these “mini-stroke” symptoms.

Do Superfoods and Antioxidants Live Up to the Hype?

Superfoods may be good for you, but a complete balanced diet, including superfoods, is even better.

Can’t Breastfeed? You Can Still Give Breast Milk

Milk banks are a safe alternative for your baby.

Round Out Your Workout

Only doing one workout activity? Try mixing it up for better results.

Get Rid of That Sleep Positioner — Now!

Before you use a sleep wedge for baby, read what experts say.

Your Allies in Battling Depression

Know who to turn to when you need help with depression.