
Nursing Connect puts you in touch with Premier Health’s robust simulation program. Simulation training is offered at all hospitals, addressing topics such as response to emergency medical situations, hemodynamic monitoring, and other intense clinical situations. Simulation allows for hands-on skills practice and debriefing to prepare you for managing clinical situations.

Learn more about these types of training offered throughout the Premier Health network.


This activity mimics the reality of a clinical environment and is designed to demonstrate procedures, decision making, and critical thinking through techniques such as role playing and the use of interactive manikins.

Nurses in healthcare today are in highly complex situations where it is essential for them to have the skills to competently care for patients in a challenging variety of settings. Simulation allows staff to practice in a safe learning environment without putting patients at risk. 

Almost any clinical situation can be mimicked in a simulation environment. Through the use of role playing and/or use of high-fidelity interactive manikins, nurses as well as the entire interdisciplinary team can practice simulated scenarios which can be designed to assess knowledge, critical thinking skills, and procedure demonstration. 

High-Fidelity Patient Simulation

This training utilizes an interactive computerized manikin that mimics living patients, including heart and respiratory sounds, pulses, blood pressure, and response to medicines and nursing interventions.

Premier Health sim labs are equipped with “SimMan® 3G”, an interactive human patient simulator that exhibits physiologic functions such as vital signs, blood pressures, reactive pupils, and heart and respiratory sounds. These simulators have pulses and can breathe, blink, cry and sweat, and even bleed. 

Also available at Premier Health are infant and pediatric-sized simulators as well as obstetrical simulators that can mimic situations related to the birth process. SimMom® can display pre-birth complications, difficulty during deliveries, and post-delivery complications such as bleeding and seizures.