Nursing Leadership
Nursing Connect is proud to introduce the Premier Health Nursing Leadership. Meet our leadership team, and learn more about them and their philosophy of care.
Lisa Gossett, MSN, RN, CENP

System Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Experience Officer
I am honored to serve as the executive leader responsible for nursing care and nursing practice throughout Premier Health. I believe that our ability to provide our best for our patients starts with exceptional leadership at all levels, leadership regardless of our role. We all have capacity to lead. My passion for leadership stems from my desire to help others become the best version of themselves. I became a nurse first, and that experience will always be the foundation of who I am. Throughout my career, others invested in me, and it is because of this that I am deeply invested in empowering others to reach their full potential. When we strive as individuals to continually learn and grow, and we work together to build each other up, we will accomplish great things. By shining our own light, we help others to shine theirs – and together, that light is so much brighter.
Christie J. Gray, MS, APRN, CNS, NEA-BC
Chief Nursing Officer, Miami Valley Hospital, Miami Valley Hospital North, and Miami Valley Hospital South
I am a certified nurse executive for Premier Health, responsible for all of nursing services across Miami Valley Hospital, Miami Valley Hospital North, and Miami Valley Hospital South. I am privileged to lead a profession that builds strong relationships to ensure outstanding patient outcomes. I find passion in the strength shared governance brings to nursing and the ability to ground our practice in evidence. It is my mission to lead with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience – to bring out the best in myself and others.
Kim Hensley, MSN, BSN, RN, NEA-BC
Chief Nursing Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Atrium Medical Center
I am a certified nurse executive at Premier Health, responsible for all of nursing services and daily operations across Atrium Medical Center. I am committed to leading the delivery of high quality, cost-competitive health care services. Building strong, collaborative and trusting relationships is key to success in my role. I enjoy mentoring team members to be successful during such a changing environment as health care.
Darin Taylor, MSN, BSN, RN-BC
Chief Nursing Officer, Vice President of Operations, Fidelity Health Care
I am a nurse executive at Premier Health, responsible for all of nursing services and daily home health clinical operations at Fidelity Health Care. Nursing is my passion, and I knew at a young age that nursing was my calling. I am honored to provide leadership to an outstanding, experienced, and compassionate team of nurses, therapists, social workers, home health aides, and operations teams. I believe nurses are in a great position to address social determinants of health, improve our patient outcomes, apply evidence-based practice, and foster strong collaborative relationships with our wide array of health care teams to build healthier and stronger communities. My approach is to consistently find ways for team members to support one another in pursing our goals and achieving the highest quality patient care possible. I am devoted to providing leadership to Fidelity Health Care’s nursing and clinical teams with integrity, innovation, mentorship, compassion, and teamwork.
Trish Wackler, MSN, MHA, RN
Chief Operating Officer and Chief Nursing Officer, Upper Valley Medical Center
I am a nurse executive at Premier Health, responsible for all nursing services at Upper Valley Medical Center. I have been in nursing for 28 years and I am passionate about high quality patient care and the role professional nurses play in healthcare. I feel that nurses are key to driving excellent patient outcomes through evidence-based practice, collegial relationships, and professional development. Our work is challenging, rewarding, and important to our communities. Nursing requires dedication and compassion to do what is best for patients and colleagues. I am committed to lead Upper Valley Medical Center nursing by creating an inclusive, trusting culture that fosters teamwork and autonomy.