MVH 125th Anniversary - Mary Boosalis

MVH 125th Anniversary - Mary Boosalis

Mary Boosalis became President and CEO of MVH in January 2006, following the retirement of William Thornton. Prior to her role as CEO, Mary worked in executive positions in hospital operations since joining MVH in 1984 as a post graduate management fellow under then CEO Rush Jordan. Listen as Mary shares one of her favorite stories about MVH, one that touched her deeply.

Miami Valley Hospital 125th Anniversary - NICU Reunion

Miami Valley Hospital 125th Anniversary - NICU Reunion

The NICU opened in 1970 under the direction of Alfred Hicks II, MD. In 1975 it became a Level III (highest level of care) center for high-risk obstetrical and newborn care. It was the only center of its kind in the Dayton region. Watch the NICU baby reunion from 2013.

MVH 125th Anniversary - Tom Breitenbach

MVH 125th Anniversary - Tom Breitenbach

<yt-formatted-string>Tom Breitenbach joined Miami Valley Hospital in 1979 as chief financial officer. He served as president and CEO from 1988 to 1998. In 1995 he co-founded Premier Health Partners. The company later expanded to include Middletown Regional Hospital (now Atrium Medical Center) and Upper Valley Medical Center. Tom retired in 2010 as CEO of Premier Health Partners, now Premier Health.</yt-formatted-string>
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MVH 125th Anniversary - Mark Shaker

MVH 125th Anniversary - Mark Shaker

Mark Shaker, President and CEO of Miami Valley Hospital, looks at the past, present, and future of Miami Valley Hospital.

MVH 125th Anniversary - Bobbie Gerhart

MVH 125th Anniversary - Bobbie Gerhart

<yt-formatted-string>Bobbie Gerhart became MVH president and CEO in January 2011. Prior to that she served as the hospital’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer since 2006. She has 34 years of healthcare related experience, primarily in operations, and has worked for hospitals in the Premier Health system since 1979. Listen as Bobbie talks about an experience at MVH that really moved her, one that reminded her of what this hospital is all about.</yt-formatted-string>
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How is atrial fibrillation (A Fib) diagnosed without symptoms?

How is atrial fibrillation (A Fib) diagnosed without symptoms?

Premier Health’s Dr. Mark Krebs explains how atrial fibrillation (A Fib) is diagnosed when symptoms are not present.

ABCs of Safe Sleep

ABCs of Safe Sleep

Safe sleeping for infants is as simple as ABC.

What causes a common cold?

What causes a common cold?

Dr. Christopher Lauricella talks more about what causes a cold.

How is the flu virus spread?

How is the flu virus spread?

Dr. Lauricella explains how the flu virus spreads.

How can a baby who is too young to receive the vaccination be protected against the flu?

How can a baby who is too young to receive the vaccination be protected against the flu?

Dr. Lauricella discusses how to protect a baby from the flu.

What steps should be taken to keep family members healthy if one person becomes ill?

What steps should be taken to keep family members healthy if one person becomes ill?

Dr. Christopher Lauricella explains how to keep the rest of the family healthy once one person in the house gets the flu.

What heart arrhythmias may be treated with Stereotaxis technology?

What heart arrhythmias may be treated with Stereotaxis technology?

Premier Health’s Dr. Mark Krebs discusses abnormal heart rhythms that may be treated with Stereotaxis technology.