How do I know if I have urinary incontinence issues, and when should I seek help?

How do I know if I have urinary incontinence issues, and when should I seek help?

Premier Health’s Dr. Jerome Yaklic talks about symptoms of urinary incontinence and when to seek treatment

Can women improve their quality of life by seeking treatment for incontinence?

Can women improve their quality of life by seeking treatment for incontinence?

Premier Health’s Dr. Jerome Yaklic discusses how treatment for urinary incontinence can affect quality of life.

Is urinary incontinence just a woman's issue?

Is urinary incontinence just a woman's issue?

Premier Health’s Dr. Jerome Yaklic discusses urinary incontinence among women.

Is rectal incontinence also a common issue?

Is rectal incontinence also a common issue?

Premier Health’s Dr. Jerome Yaklic discusses rectal incontinence, an issue that may co-occur with urinary incontinence.

What are the treatment options for urinary incontinence?

What are the treatment options for urinary incontinence?

Dr. Jerome Yaklic discusses treatment options for urinary incontinence.

Are there non-surgical treatment options for urinary incontinence?

Are there non-surgical treatment options for urinary incontinence?

Premier Health’s Dr. Jerome Yaklic discusses non-surgical options to treat urinary incontinence.

What are behavior modifications?

What are behavior modifications?

Dr. Jerome Yaklic talks about behavior modifications for urinary incontinence treatment.

What causes urinary incontinence?

What causes urinary incontinence?

Dr. Jerome Yaklic discusses various causes of urinary incontinence.

Is incontinence normal?

Is incontinence normal?

Premier Health’s Dr. Jerome Yaklic discusses urinary incontinence, a common women’s health issue.

What are kegels and why are they important?

What are kegels and why are they important?

Premier Health’s Dr. Jerome Yaklic explains the importance of Kegels, pelvic muscles that aid bladder control.

What is urinary incontinence?

What is urinary incontinence?

Dr. Jerome Yaklic explains urinary incontinence.

Sean's Story

Sean's Story

Sean Ferguson’s family has seen the miracles that can God perform first hand when Sean was struck by lightning. He not only survived, but he fought back and now thrives. When Sean was struck while crossing a parking lot at the University of Dayton, it was that faith that pulled the family through. Listen to Sean's story.