
Wash, Rinse, And Sanitize: How To Prevent Giardiasis

Also be careful about what you eat and drink to prevent this serious intestinal infection.

Woman holding baby

What In the World Is Vaginal Seeding?

There isn’t enough evidence yet to support this way of promoting gut health in C-section babies.

Lower Type 2 Diabetes Risk With This One Simple Tip

Is that grilled burger ramping up your risk for type 2 diabetes?


Mole Mapping: Early Detection For Skin Cancer

New technology makes it easier to monitor moles and detect skin cancer early.


What to Know About Cystic Fibrosis

It’s a progressive disease, but treatment has progressed, too.


Is Your Family Prepared For an Emergency?

For a natural disaster or medical emergency, make a “go bag” so you’re ready.


A Real Pain In the … Ear

An ear infection is miserable, whether you’re a child or an adult.


Understanding Your Risk for Mesothelioma

Avoiding asbestos is your best bet in steering clear of this rare but serious cancer.


Cutting Weight: What’s Healthy, What’s Not?

Learn what to do — and what not to do — to achieve a target weight for sports such as wrestling and boxing.