How I'm Doing It: What I'm Eating

Dr. Jenny lists some tasty foods you can eat and still lose weight.

Video: I'm No Longer Obese!

She’s not stopping now!

How I'm Doing It: Increasing Your Exercise

Dr. Jenny helps you step up your game!

Video: Reaching Goal #1!!

The scale finally caught up.

How I'm Doing It: Tracking!

What kind of app can keep you on track?

Video: It is SO Worth It!

You CAN change your life.

Video: The Dreaded Plateau

I’m doing everything right. Why won’t the scale move?!?

Video: Bad Knees? Biking May Be the Answer

Keep exercising but give your knees a break.

How I'm Doing It: Beginning to Exercise

Can slow and steady really get you to your goal?

How I'm Doing It: Nutrition- Getting Started

Can one bag of animal crackers instead of two really make a difference?

Weight Loss is a Numbers Game

It’s time to calculate your calories.